

Swarmer termites mean one of two things. Either you’re about to have a termite problem or you already do. The job of swarmer termites is to find a spot for the next colony. They can be identified by their two straight antennas, and two white, translucent wings.



The soldier termites job is a defensive one- helping protect the colony in the event that they are attacked. You can tell if you’re dealing with a soldier termite if it’s head is a little bigger and its body darker. Unlike worker termites, they don’t cause damage but they certainly don’t help you either.



These are the guys who cause the problems. It’s the job of the worker termites to find food. Their food is cellulose which is commonly found in grass….and wood. This means that worker termites are able to feed on the wood that makes up the foundation of your home, the studs, and even the drywall. If you suspect you’re seeing termites, it might be best to call the professionals not only to get rid of them but to survey how much damage they may have caused.